You do a lot on your Mac. So what happens when all those projects pile up? Easy. Use Spaces to organize all your windows into groups and banish clutter completely. A Space for everything and everything in its Space. Only with Mac OS X Leopard.
Rearrange the rooms
Create a Space for work. Create a space for play. With the click of a function key, you can drag all your application windows onto different Spaces. Keep all your work projects in one Space and that fun flick you made in iMovie in another. Create a communication Space for iChat and Mail. Organize your Spaces however you want just by dragging windows into them. You can even rearrange your Spaces with drag-and-drop ease shift a Space and every window in it comes along for the ride.

Make yourself at home
When youre working in one Space and you want to move to another, you can get a birds eye view of all your Spaces, or just toggle between them using a few simple keyboard commands. Even the Dock is down with Spaces: When you click on an icon there, Leopard whisks you away to the Space (or Spaces) where you have that application open.
Pick your patterns
Configure your Spaces by visiting the Dashboard and Exposé preference pane in System Preferences. Add rows and columns until you have all the desktop real estate you need. Arrange your Spaces as you see fit, then assign what function keys you want to control them. You can also lock specific applications to specific Spaces, so youll always know where, say, Safari or Keynote is at all times.
All features referenced in the Mac OS X Leopard Sneak Peek are subject to change.